Saturday, June 29, 2013

43 Lovely with some rare photos Arnaz family

Here are lovely photos from Lucy, Desi with their beautiful children Lucie and Desi jr. with quotes. I really love to watch those photo's... 

"The first time Lucy and Lucie played in the pool I built, I cried. It was an emotional moment, especially since Lucy and I have waited 10 years to have a child." -Desi

“Increasingly frustrated by her own childlessness, Lucille doted on the offspring of others. By this time, Barbara Bell, daughter of Harriet’s [the maid] friend Dot, had children of her own. Lucille met them in San Francisco, and as Barbara recalled, “She wanted to hurry up and have kids so bad. When she met my son she loved him so much she kept stuffing money in his pockets. He was five or six and she thought it a great game.” Her desire for motherhood was such that even DeDe suggested they adopt a child if they wanted one so badly, but Lucille would sob, “I want Desi’s baby.” 
- The Life of Lucille Ball by Kathleen Brady

What they were doing onstage, brought us I Love Lucy. What they were doing off the stage brought us… Lucie Arnaz.

“We had it all. Desi and I, we had it all…”

"It was an emotional moment to see Desi with the kids, all grown up, on television. I still remember the first time I held the babies in my arms, and how happy we all were." —Lucy

Keith Thibodeaux (Little Ricky) and Desi Jr were great friends, they played drums and grew up together. Desi and Lucy said: "It was like having 3 children instead of 2," 

You see much more of your children once they leave home.” (Lucy)
Lucille was so crazy about her children. Whenever she had time, she would just stare at the sleeping babies, and start weeping with motherly happiness. I think she felt terrible that she couldn't spend more time with them due to the demands of I Love Lucy. It broke her heart. —Cleo, Lucille's cousin  

Lucy often brought her children (Lucie and Desi Jr.) to the I Love Lucy set.

Lucie, Lucy and Desi jr, on the set of Here's Lucy

"I began feeling tired again. No energy. All tuckered out. I told Desi about it, and he grinned. ‘Lucy,’ he said, ‘maybe we’re going to have another baby’. Well, it was true. After waiting for so long for one, there were going to be two. A lot had been asked of us, but not nearly so much as was now being given." (Lucy)

Desi always enjoyed taking pictures of Lucille and their children.

vacation in Sun Valley

Winter holiday
(...) She would also force Gary to run home videos of her, Desi and the children. (...) - her brother, Fred ball

 source: golucilleball

"I promised (Desi’s mother, Dolores) to bring up any children we might have as Catholics." (Lucy)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Forever part 2

"Even after she'd married Gary, whenever she'd see me, she would always take me over to a corner and say, 'Have you heard from Desi lately?' She wanted to know how he was getting along. There was always that great, great love there."Jim Bacon, family friend

"Maybe I'm the romantic, but there was a great, great love there, there really was. Desi was very unhappy about the breakup, and I know she was too. I don't think either one of them ever got over it."William Asher, Lucy director

Monday, June 10, 2013


"After the short ceremony, we ate our wedding breakfast in front of a bright fire in the club's lounge. Outside, a fresh mantle of snow hung on the pine trees. After all the indecision we'd been through, Desi and I were dazed with happiness. We kissed each other and the marriage certificate again and again. It still has my lipstick marks on it.

'I'm going to keep this forever and ever,' I told Desi, clutching it to my black-wool covered bosom. This marriage had to work. I would do anything, sacrifice anything, to make Desi happy."

Lucy written this in: Love, Lucy - her book

 On the set ( wedding- long, long trailer) (1954)

Queen of the B movies

Before she became "Lucy" and 'the queen of comedy', Lucille Ball was the queen of the B movies.

Lucy made more than 60 movies. 
Not every rising starlet would agree to play second fiddle to the Marx Brothers, but Ball didn`t mind. Along with Ann Miller, she supported Groucho, Harpo and Chico in ``Room Service.``

"No wonder she knew so much about this business, she did everything in it." says Steve Allen.

After some success working as a model in New York, Lucy moved to Los Angeles in 1933 to do what she really wanted to do: make movies. "She was a (extreme) beautiful" blond girl and appeared in more than a dozen films, usually in walk- on roles. 
She even appeared in "Three Little Pigskins" alongside the Three Stooges. She bounced from being a Goldwyn Girl to the Columbia studio and finally to RKO in 1935, landing a part alongside Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in "Top Hat"
Later that same year, she made ``I Dream Too Much,`` which starred Henry Fonda. Ball may have had only a small role, but she was making big friends.
Lucy said in a interview from 1986: "I watched, listened and learned. I would do absolutely anything asked of me, and I never said `Why?` like actors do today. I just did it. Hank (Fonda) was so natural. Ginger (Rogers) and I would double-date in those days. She went with Jimmy Stewart, and I went with Hank. You know, Hank used to say, "Lucy, imagine, if it had worked out with us, it would have been Henrylu instead of Desilu.""
She got her biggest break up to then in 1937, at age 26, when director Gregory LaCava cast a brown-haired Ball to play Rogers` dancing partner in
"Stage Door," which starred Katharine Hepburn and relative newcomers Ann Miller and Eve Arden. The movie was RKO`s big effort of the year, and it was a hit at the box office.
"Eve Arden and I had the same parts for years, the best friend or the lady executive," recalls Lucy: " We`d walk into a room, drop a smart remark and exit. We were the drop-gag girls."

Dick Cavett recalled in a recent interview that Groucho once said:
"Lucille`s always been a great actress. She can do comedy with the best, but she could also do Chekhov or anything else."
By 1986, Ball`s most vivid memory of making "Room Service" was meeting Harpo. The two struck up a lifelong friendship. "He was an adorable, sweet man. I loved working with him and knowing him," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.
Certainly, most actresses only dreamed of the success Lucy had managed by 1938. However, Lucy wanted to do more than play the girl next door or the lead in a fluffy, second-rate picture. Along with at least a dozen Hollywood stars, including Bette Davis and Paulette Goddard, she auditioned for the role of Scarlett O`Hara in ``Gone with the Wind.``
Though still working, she was bitterly disappointed about being miscast by RKO and not getting the part of Scarlett, which went to Vivien Leigh. Ball felt her film career was stalled.
In 1940, RKO signed a young Cuban band leader to costar with Lucy in "Too Many Girls." Lucy was working on the set of another film, ``Dance, Girl, Dance`` the first time she met Desi. When Desi had meet Lucy, he was impressed. "I thought, `My God, that girl will do anything," Desi said in a TV interview years later.